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New posts in stylecop

Which StyleCop package to use

c# visual-studio stylecop

StyleCop should cancel build. Is this possible?

msbuild stylecop

Visual Studio install project launch condition to check for StyleCop

StyleCop For Resharper - Where's It Gone

resharper stylecop

In C#, is there a way to enforce use of "this/base" qualification in instance members?

c# this stylecop

C# Code Style: Switching from "this." prefix to "underscore" [closed]

StyleCop Rule for Multiline Curly Brackets

c# coding-style stylecop

Remove Header Summary - StyleCop

resharper stylecop

StyleCop happy creation of Xml using XDocument / XElement / XAttribute

Is there a .Net StyleCop rule which warns about lock(this), lock(typeof, lock(<string obj>, etc.?

.net locking fxcop stylecop

How do I embed StyleCop in the solution?

StyleCop SA1402 and Generics

c# generics stylecop

A comment may not be placed within the bracketed statement

c# coding-style stylecop

Sonarqube 5.4 custom rule for C#

c# sonarqube fxcop stylecop

"CS8700: Multiple analyzer config files cannot be in the same directory" but only one StyleCop file

How can you force StyleCop to ignore a file?

CA1500 vs. SA1309 - Which one wins?

StyleCop SA1124 DoNotUseRegions is reasonable? [closed]

c# stylecop

How to globally disable file headers documentation in ReSharper plugin for Visual Studio