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New posts in xelement

Add XElement to another XElement in specific location

Add XElement to XML file with formatting and indenting

c# xml linq-to-xml xelement

Returning an XElement from a web service

Select more then one node from XML using LINQ

c# xml linq xelement

Fluent NHibernate and XML columns

Build XML Dynamically using c#

c# xml xelement

XElement.Descendants () make it case-insensitive

Get the XElement for the XML

c# xml linq xelement

Given an XElement, how do I retrieve a reference to another relative XElement/Xattribute given an XPath?

.net xml xpath xelement

How do I clone a xml element using Linq to Xml

xml linq linq-to-xml xelement

Indexed access to XElement‘s child nodes

c# xml linq linq-to-xml xelement

XElement.Load("~/App_Data/file.xml") Could not find a part of the path

Reading an XML Feed into XElement

Xelement to expanded empty tags

c# .net xml sharepoint xelement

How to add child element to XElement as a decoded string?

c# .net xml linq-to-xml xelement

Linq To Xml problems using XElement's method Elements(XName)

Remove attributes from XElement

c# xelement

StyleCop happy creation of Xml using XDocument / XElement / XAttribute

How to read an xml file directly to get an XElement value?

c# .net xmlreader xelement

Converting XElement into XmlNode

c# xml linq xelement xmlnode