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New posts in dxgi

Programmatically set Graphics Performance for an app

Unresolved external symbol _IID_IDXGIFactory

Resizing a DXGI swap chain bound to a Direct2D render target

c++ direct3d direct2d dxgi

Using Media Foundation to encode Direct X surfaces

Resetting window after using DirectX 11

directx-11 dxgi

What are the exact color spaces of DXGI_FORMATs?

Properly Handling Alt-Enter / Alt-Tab Fullscreen Resolution

Is it possible to create a winapi window with only borders

c++ winapi dxgi

Use Desktop Duplication API to capture Logon & Lock Screens

DirectX11 Swapchain and window losing fullscreen status

directx-11 sharpdx dxgi

IDXGISurface1 thread-safety/synchronization rules for GetDC/ReleaseDC?

D3D11: How to draw GDI Text to a GXDI Surface? (Without D2D)

c++ gdi+ gdi directx-11 dxgi

DXGI Desktop Duplication: encoding frames to send them over the network

Correct way to wait for VBLANK on windows 10 in windowed mode

winapi directx direct3d dwm dxgi

How to get current display mode (resolution, refresh rate) of a monitor/output in DXGI?

DXGI Desktop Duplication Screen Capture Speed [closed]

Desktop duplication (DirectX) screen capture fails to deliver screen updates

Enumerating monitors on a computer

c++ windows gdi dxgi