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New posts in directx-11

Windows Media Foundation using IMFTransform to decode mp4 movie frames to 2D textures

Why "Warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable" shows for more than one usage of common method?

How to enable Hardware Percentage Closer Filtering?

c++ directx hlsl directx-11

Are there DirectX guidelines for binding and unbinding resources between draw calls?

DirectX11 wireframe z-fighting help (or why D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC.DepthBias is an INT?)

c++ Directx11 capture screen and save to file


How to determine the system DirectX is 11 or 11.1?

directx directx-11

Two constant buffers with same elements

DirectX11 set shader constants

constants hlsl directx-11

Access floats of XMMatrix - () operator not working

Media Foundation EVR and DirectX 11

Mapping dynamic texture causing "Already Mapped Error"

Understanding DirectX11 and Directx11.1 sample msdn code

c++ directx-11

Using Media Foundation to encode Direct X surfaces

Implement API to wait for d3d10 commands to finish

HLSL float array packing in constant buffer?

Resetting window after using DirectX 11

directx-11 dxgi

c++ DirectX 11 source code samples/examples? [closed]

c++ directx-11