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New posts in vertex-shader

Are there DirectX guidelines for binding and unbinding resources between draw calls?

Exactly which matrices does OpenGL multiply by in the pipeline?

opengl matrix vertex-shader

Threejs normal values in shader are set to 0

How do you "combine"a ShaderMaterial and LambertMaterial?

Two constant buffers with same elements

How vertex and fragment shaders communicate in OpenGL?

Accessing a structure in vertex shader from the code in WebGl

Is it possible to access all vertices in a polygon in a vertex shader?

HLSL float array packing in constant buffer?

Should (vertex shader, mat4) uniform matrices be pre-multiplied on the CPU?

matrix glsl vertex-shader

Is it possible to reuse glsl vertex shader output later?

opengl glsl vertex-shader

Three.js - shader code for halo effect, normals need transformation

Vertex Kaleidoscope shader

Names of `out` variables in a fragment shader

How do OpenGL fragment shaders know what pixel to sample in a texture?

billboarding vertices in the vertex shader

glGetAttribLocation returns -1 when retrieving existing shader attribute

What is the relationship between gl_Color and gl_FrontColor in both vertex and fragment shaders