I have a problem with JavaFX desktop application, specifically with 3d rendering functionalities. Every time I try to build and launch JavaFX application, JVM crshes and I get error similiar to following one:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=8440, tid=9008
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_51-b13) (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.51-b03 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x0000000000000000
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# D:\apps\desktop\hs_err_pid8440.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Entire log: http://pastebin.com/FC6NfVjF
I tried different java version (1.7_51, 1.7_60, as well as 1.8_5), I tried updating graphic card drivers. Some project does launch, but as soon as I want to display some 'more complicated' effects (i.e. hovering a button), I get the same exception.
Judging from the stacktrace, I believe it has something to do with directX.
j com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DVertexBuffer.nDrawIndexedQuads(J[F[BI)I+0
j com.sun.prism.d3d.D3DVertexBuffer.drawQuads(I)V+13
j com.sun.prism.impl.VertexBuffer.flush()V+12
I'm working on machine with Windows 8.1 and DirectX 11. Probably it won't help, but here I'm also pasting DirectX Diagnostic Tool log: http://pastebin.com/giN4AFv4
Thanks for any input.
The crash has happened inside C:\Windows\system32\igdumdim64.dll
at offset 0xe5fe9
This library is a part of Intel HD Graphics Driver.
Here is a quick tip how to find this from the crash log.
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x0000000000000000
Zero instruction pointer means there was an indirect call, and the target address happened to be NULL
. The return address for this call is likely to be on the top of stack.
Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000000ef4d398)
0x000000000ef4d398: 00007ffb308b5fe9 000000000e979800
is the saved return address. Let's find the range it belongs to.
Dynamic libraries:
0x00007ffb307d0000 - 0x00007ffb31019000 C:\Windows\system32\igdumdim64.dll
Find the offset in the library by subtracting the base address:
0x00007ffb308b5fe9 - 0x00007ffb307d0000 = 0xe5fe9
Next, having the dll in hand, we can disassemble it and figure out the exact function at the given offset.
There is also a Windows-specific Java flag -XX:+CreateMinidumpOnCrash
that helps to produce a more meaningful crash dump for analysis.
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