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New posts in texture2d

Unity c#, take screenshot and save to file as jpg

c# android ios unity3d texture2d

How can I use a .bmp file and create a Texture in Unity at runtime?

c++ Directx11 capture screen and save to file

How to resize a Texture2D using height and width?

Mapping dynamic texture causing "Already Mapped Error"

OpenGL loading binds the last loaded texture to all textureID's

(Texture2D) t1 = t2; Does it creates reference or a copy?

c# reference xna texture2d

DirectX 11 - How to create a very simple 2D texture

c++ directx-11 texture2d

XNA: Scaling down Texture 2D antialias?

OpenGL ES 2.0: Is there a workaround for missing texture access in vertex shader?

OpenGL 3.3 multitexture: GL_TEXTURE1 and following are always black (Only GL_TEXTURE0 works fine)

Strange color shift after loading a GL_RGB texture

opengl texture2d

How to switch the image of a CCSprite

Rendering SurfaceTexture to Unity Texture2D

How to use texture buffers to read a single integer instead of vec4

opengl texture2d

How to make Texture2D Readable via script

c# unity3d texture2d

'texture2D' : No matching overloaded function found OpenGL ES2?

Vulkan texture rendering on multiple meshes