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New posts in vulkan

Loading Vulkan functions globally

c++ vulkan

Vulkan attachment description


Vulkan and transparent windows


Wat does the "vkCreateSwapchainKHR:internal drawable creation failed." means


Cannot use vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR to create vulkan surface

c++ 3d game-engine sdl-2 vulkan

Underlying hardware mapping of Vulkan queues

vulkan gpu

Vulkan: lazily allocated memory?

c++ vulkan

Is there a way to use clz() in a Vulkan compute shader?

opencl shader vulkan spir-v

vkAcquireNextImageKHR semantics? What does timing out mean?


VkSurfaceKHR does not to update when resizing xcb window

resize vulkan xcb

Android Studio - Error in launch emulator - Vulkan-1.dll

android-studio vulkan

Why do input attachments need a descriptor set to be bound?


Linker error on GLFW on linux (x11)

c++ linux x11 glfw vulkan

What use has the layout specifier scalar in EXT_scalar_block_layout?

c++ glsl vulkan

Vulkan descriptor binding


How to compile OpenCL Kernels to SPIR-V using Clang

vkCreateDebugReportCallback EXT not linking, but every other functions in vulkan.h works perfectly

visual-studio linker vulkan

When does it make sense to turn off the rasterization step?

c++ vulkan

Will vulkan api handle window creation?

api graphics gpu vulkan

Why would vkCreateSwapchainKHR result in an access violation at 0?

c++ access-violation vulkan