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New posts in direct3d

Direct3D rendering 2D images with "multiply" blending mode and alpha

How can I improve performance of Direct3D when I'm writing to a single vertex buffer thousands of times per frame?

Direct3D: efficient way to get system memory bitmap from IDirect3DSurface9 (default pool)?

Displaying a video in DirectX

Why doesn't Direct3D have it's own vertex structure?

c++ c 3d vector direct3d

What is the best way to get distance between 2 points with DirectXMath

How can I compile asm shader to fxo file?

From Direct3d to OpenGL

opengl direct3d

Properly Handling Alt-Enter / Alt-Tab Fullscreen Resolution

Using Windows SDK 8.1 for development on Windows 7

windows sdk direct3d

Using Direct2D to draw on Direct3D11 surface

D3D11: Creating a cube map from 6 images

direct3d texture-mapping

C++ Qualified name is not allowed in member declaration

How do I draw transparent DirectX content in a transparent window?

How exactly does memory handling (i.e, the function Release) work with Direct3D?

c++ memory directx direct3d

Uploading texture very slow in OpenGL

opengl direct3d

Preventing pixelshader overdraw for a single ERG

QtQuick 2.0 scene on top of Direct3D scene