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Multiple Render Targets not saving data

Multisampling doesn't work in exclusive mode

Direct2D / GDI+ and slow Windows forms drawing - What can be done?

SlimDX/DirectX9/C# - How to access pixel-data in a Texture

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Visual Studio Graphics Debugger omits working pixel shader

Playing sinus through XAudio2

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DirectX11: Pass data from ComputeShader to VertexShader?

SlimDX Device.Reset crashes with a "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)" error

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Rendering from WPF's internals to a Directx application

How to rotate, scale, and translate a matrix all at once in C#?

c# matrix translation slimdx

2D Drawing Performance (GDI+ vs SlimDX)

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What is a good code structure for api-independent vertex processing? [closed]

Nvidia 3d Video using DirectX11 and SlimDX in C#

Threading with the Kinect

SharpDX vs SlimDX for game development? [closed]

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Fast Vector Math in .NET - What are the options?

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