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How to calculate Depth Information from USB 3.0 Stereo Camera?

python opencv openni stereo-3d

No library found for Processing?

processing openni

How to install OpenNI 2.1 on Mac?

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Convert kinects depth to RGB

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How to make motion history image for presentation into one single image?

c++ opencv kinect depth openni

How can I compute optical flow from a depth image stream from a depth camera?

kinect openni

Kinect 3D gesture recognition based on skeleton movements - What libraries exist?

Using Kinect to detect objects on the floor

Will Kinect v2 support multiple sensors?

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Can't access USB device inside Windows Store App

How to setup OpenNI2 and NITE with libfreenect2 for skeleton tracking on OSX?

CMAKE can't find OpenNI

cmake rgb kinect openni

How to Display a 3D image when we have Depth and rgb Mat's in OpenCV (captured from Kinect)

OpenNI C# wrapper: WaitAnyUpdateAll timeout

c# openni

Installing libusb-1 and libudev to get openni to compile on Fedora

fedora openni libusb-1.0

Finger/Hand Gesture Recognition using Kinect

OpenNI RedistMaker - Build Fail on Mac OS

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CMake find_path include directory prefix

c++ cmake openni