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OpenNI RedistMaker - Build Fail on Mac OS




I follow the OpenNI installation guide in README here https://github.com/OpenNI/OpenNI. I have installed libtool and libusb also. However, when I run ./RedistMaker under Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist, I got such error message:

PrimeSense OpenNI Redist * 
2011-10-12 23:18:46 * ********************************* 
Taking version... version is 
Building OpenNI... In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/ 
XnDump.cpp:25: ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: warning 
attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h: 
169: warning: warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../ 
Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: warning attribute directive 
ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: warning attribute 
directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: warning 
attribute directive ignored In file included from ../../../../Source/ 
OpenNI/XnDump.cpp:25: ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h: 
168: warning: warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../ 
Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: warning attribute directive 
ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: warning attribute 
directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: warning 
attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored In file included 
from ../../../../Include/XnDumpWriters.h:7, from ../../../../Source/ 
OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.h:7, from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/ 
XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:4: ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h: 
168: warning: warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../ 
Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: warning attribute directive 
ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: warning attribute 
directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: warning 
attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../Source/OpenNI/ 
XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function virtual 
XnDumpWriterFileHandle XnDumpFileWriter::OpenFile(const XnChar, 
XnBool, const XnChar)’: ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: 
25: error: invalid conversion from XN_FILE_HANDLE to 
void ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member 
function virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::Write(XnDumpWriterFileHandle, 
const XnUInt8, XnUInt32)’: ../../../../Source/OpenNI/ 
XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:33: error: invalid conversion from void to 
XN_FILE_HANDLE ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In 
member function virtual void 
XnDumpFileWriter::CloseFile(XnDumpWriterFileHandle)’: ../../../../ 
Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:39: error: invalid conversion from 
void*’ to XN_FILE_HANDLE In file included from ../../../../Include/ 
XnDumpWriters.h:7, from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.h: 
7, from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:4: ../../../../ 
Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: warning attribute directive 
ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: warning attribute 
directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: warning 
attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: 
warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../Include/XnDump.h: 
171: warning: warning attribute directive ignored ../../../../ 
Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: warning attribute directive 
ignored ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member 
function virtual XnDumpWriterFileHandle 
XnDumpFileWriter::OpenFile(const XnChar, XnBool, const 
XnChar)’: ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:25: error: 
invalid conversion from XN_FILE_HANDLE to void*’ ../../../../Source/ 
OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function virtual void 
XnDumpFileWriter::Write(XnDumpWriterFileHandle, const XnUInt8, 
XnUInt32)’: ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:33: error: 
invalid conversion from void to XN_FILE_HANDLE ../../../../Source/ 
OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function virtual void 
XnDumpFileWriter::CloseFile(XnDumpWriterFileHandle)’: ../../../../ 
Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:39: error: invalid conversion from 
void*’ to XN_FILE_HANDLE lipo: can't figure out the architecture 
type of: /var/folders/8L/8LNYMSgEE5mYsWyaUxuEUE+++TI/-Tmp-// 
ccTxpyjf.out make[1]: ** [Release/XnDumpFileWriter.o] Error 1 make: 
*** [OpenNI] Error 2 failed to execute: make PLATFORM=x86 -C ../Build 
> /Users/wilson100/Projects/OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/ 

Output/BuildOpenNI.txt Building Failed! 

I am doing on my Mac OS/X 10.6 (snow leopard) and my xcode is 3.6.2. I have update my CMake and any library I can think of but still failed. My OpneNI version is stable. Can someone tell me which step I miss?

like image 543
wilson100 Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 00:10


1 Answers

Well I can build it successfully if I go back to version (but there will be a minor permission denied problem, which you can work around it by create a tmp file). So it's an alternative before openni community release update.

Update: This has been fixed in latest update.

like image 150
wilson100 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
