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New posts in assemblies

How to update the Value in Assemblyinfo.cs dynamically

app.config for unit test assembly: how to make the appsettings 'file' attribute work?

Why is it possible to load types in an unsigned assembly from a signed assembly using reflection?

How to set a WPF image source without writing the assembly name?

.net wpf image path assemblies

How can I add a path(s) to the DLL search order

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting

c# .net assemblies

Mixed mode assembly is built against version '2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime

Why do I need to reference this assembly, even though its not being used

Loading an Assembly if a certain Attribute is present

c# assemblies appdomain

Mixed mode assembly is built against version X and cannot be loaded in version Y of the runtime without additional configuration information

Assembly to Bytes

c# .net assemblies

Understanding .NET assemblies

Multi file assemblies

Restrict access to .NET assembly?

The .NET equivalent of static libraries?

How to resolve conflicting assemblies in .Net?

Injecting assembly version numbers at build time

Can't load a .NET type in PowerShell

C# Dynamic Loading/Unloading of DLLs Redux (using AppDomain, of course)

c# .net dynamic dll assemblies

Conditional Compilation in Referenced Assemblies