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Can't load a .NET type in PowerShell

This is a strange one. I'm trying to load the System.DirectoryServices assembly and then create an instance of the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry class.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

PS C:> [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.DirectoryServices")

GAC    Version        Location
---    -------        --------
True   v2.0.50727     C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.DirectoryServices\\System.Directo...

It seems to have loaded the assembly fine, but now when I try to instantiate a new object it fails:

PS C:\> $computer = new-object [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("WinNT://localhost,computer")
New-Object : Cannot find type [[System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]]: make sure the assembly containing this type
is loaded.
At line:1 char:23
+ $computer = new-object <<<<  [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("WinNT://localhost,computer")
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidType: (:) [New-Object], PSArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand

However, if I try to do it in a slightly more obtuse way, it seems to work.

$directoryServices = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.DirectoryServices")
$directoryEntryType = $directoryServices.GetType("System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry")
$machine = New-Object $directoryEntryType("WinNT://localhost,computer")

It shows me I've created the object successfully:

distinguishedName :
Path              : WinNT://localhost,computer

What's the proper way to do this? What am I doing wrong?

like image 955
Micah Avatar asked May 24 '12 14:05


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1 Answers

Your new-object syntax is a little off. Try this:

$machine = new-object -typeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -argumentList "WinNT://localhost,computer"
like image 67
vcsjones Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
