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New posts in assemblies

c# - can you make a "weak" assembly reference to a strong named assembly

Why does MSDN say it's "rare" to load an assembly by path?

.net assemblies msdn

Assembly locking rules and when is shadow copy useful?

Provide the ability to "hot swap" / change assemblies at runtime without re-starting a process

.net asp.net assemblies

Start exe even with missing dependency dlls?

Add reference adds wrong reference

Using custom XML namespaces to reference external DLLs in Kaxaml

The Order of Assemblies Being Loaded

.net assemblies

Add assembly and debug symbols (pdb files) to GAC - Wix Installer

assemblies wix gac

Weird compatibility problem with .Net 3.5 and 4.0 assemblies (NATUPnPLib)

Can't add .NET 4.0 Assembly Reference In MonoDevelop 2.4.1

Finding type hierarchy assemblies using Mono.Cecil

Best practice when creating reusable corporate namespace

c# .net namespaces assemblies

Different EntityFramework versions in same solution

The Type XX exists in both DLLs

Fody: An Unhandled Exception Occured

c# assemblies fody-costura

SQL Server CLR Memory Allocation

System.Linq namespace missing even with reference to System.Core.Dll

fsi.exe Assembly: Anyone know how to embed it?

asymmetric key creation over network