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New posts in assemblies

Moving constants to a separate assembly [closed]

c# .net-4.0 assemblies

C# Get path of class library

c# .net assemblies

Preload all assemblies (JIT)

Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll

How to load an assembly without using Assembly.Load?

c# .net reflection assemblies

Deploying My DLL To GAC, References Other DLL Not In GAC

reference assemblies gac

Are there size limitations to the .NET Assembly format?

Referencing and using JScript.NET "functions only" exe assembly

WPF - Is <?Mapping > used anymore?

Finding Globalized Resource files when remotely loading an assembly

c# assemblies globalization

ASP.NET hostingEnvironment / shadowCopyBinAssemblies

C# - Loading .NET Assembly into Separate AppDomain So You Can Unload It [duplicate]

Why are framework dlls repeated in several places?

.net assemblies gac

Why do I get System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly, about once a week on my ASP.Net Website?

XML Comments -- How (or where) do you create XML comments for your namespaces and library?

Hooking into an "OnLoad" for class library

c# .net dll assemblies onload

Reserved max value in the .NET assembly version

c# .net assemblies

What tools are available to determine which .NET assemblies have changed since the last build?