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New posts in assemblies

VisualStudio: translating a build version to a calendar date

Find location of standard .NET assemblies?

c# .net assemblies

Cannot add assemblies to .Net Core application in Visual Studio 2019

Is there a way to package more than one .NET assembly in a dll?

.net dll assemblies packaging

Can NInject load modules/assemblies on demand?

How to identify that an assembly has been compiled with/for .NET 4.5, as opposed to .NET 4.0?

I can't add reference to namespace system.windows.controls in a library project

wpf namespaces assemblies

Is it possible to execute a .NET assembly(dll) from vbscript?

.net dll com vbscript assemblies

Using Directives, Namespace and Assembly Reference - all jumbled up with StyleCop!

IMetadataAware.OnMetadataCreated is never called

Loading a generic type by name when the generics arguments come from multiple assemblies

c# .net reflection assemblies

Mono.Cecil: call GENERIC base class' method from other assembly

T4 template VS2010 get host assembly

Does the .NET CLR have a circular dependency? [duplicate]

Missing Assemblies Tab in Reference Manager dialog box

Correct way to distribute VC++ runtime files

Performance of .NET ILMerged assemblies

NDepend: How to not display 'tier' assemblies in dependency graph?

How to solve XAML designer error: The document contains errors that must be fixed before the designer can be loaded