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New posts in assemblies

Unload/unreference a referenced assembly from F# interactive

Build a Visual Studio Project without access to referenced dlls

binding redirect not working in test project

c# binding assemblies

How does signing with a strong name protect against forging a set of assemblies?

.net assemblies strongname snk

Accessing a .NET Assembly from classic ASP

c# .net asp-classic assemblies

InternalsVisibleTo attribute isn't working

Understanding ASP.NET assembly reference management in Web.config file

.NET: Serializing object to a file from a 3rd party assembly (to make Selenium WebDriver faster)

Preloading Assemblies

Maven assembly:assembly

java maven-2 assemblies

Is it possible to use Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad together with publisher policies / assembly versioning?

Is there any tool for GAC management? [closed]

Referencing assemblies that use NuGet packages from a project that also uses some of these packages

Are .NET assemblies without strong names protected against accidental corruption?

c# .net clr assemblies

log4net configuration with [assembly:]

Why can't I see Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms version in "Add Reference..." dialog?

AssemblyResolve always get raised, asking for MyAssembly.resources

Load an assembly without locking file AND keep the right Binding Context

Error : add a reference to assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version='

Types of assembly - whats the difference

c# .net assemblies