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New posts in assemblies

Do you strong name all assemblies your product uses?

.net assemblies strongname

Is it possible to resign a signed .net dll with a different key pair?

c# .net security assemblies

Maven Error reading assemblies: No assembly descriptors found

Why exactly does regasm warn me about signing with a strong name?

.net com assemblies regasm snk

How to load an assembly from a Stream or byte[] in WP7?

How to set "Specific Version" property for project references in Visual Studio

Why doesn't my ScriptReference find the Embedded Resource?

Do an assembly have multiple namespaces or is composed of single namespace

dll assemblies namespaces

Scanning DLLs for .NET assemblies with a particular interface - some DLLs throw R6034!

c# .net reflection assemblies

Assembly binding and redirect

c# dll redirect assemblies

Single assembly from multiple projects

.net assemblies

Assemblies vs Class Libraries (.NET)

.net assemblies

What are assemblies?

Where are assemblies installed into the GAC physically stored?

visual-studio assemblies

How to change the Public token of the assembly

.net dll assemblies

Can I run code from a .NET assembly from a command line?

What should I change when the compiler tells me to "Consider app.config remapping" when I have no app.config file?

Preload assemblies: referenced, unreferenced, not loaded until they are needed

clr.sll!StrongNameSignatureVerification CPU consumption

c# assemblies verification

StructureMap and scanning assemblies