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New posts in assemblies

Dependency check

TFS Build: include branch name in "build number" field of assemblies

benefit of signing dll with strong name

Assembly unavailable after Web.config change

How do I fix an assembly referencing an old (beta) version of .NET?

location of .snk file and management of it

Load an assembly at run time that references the calling assembly

Visual Studio adding executable file with same name as dll

.Net Dynamically Load DLL

Why is ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve not executed when trying to Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad?

What are Side-by-side Assemblies?

Reference two equal assemblies, only public keys differ

ASP.NET MVC tries to load older version of Owin assembly


maven-2 assemblies manifest

How do I retrieve the version of an Assembly in C#?

.net assemblies

Getting the Assembly Qualified Name of a class in Visual Studio

c# reflection assemblies types

What's the costs of unused assembly references?

Loading assembly at runtime fails when I copy the DLL after program startup

c# .net assemblies

How to check if a certain assembly exists?

Get paths of assemblies used in Type