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New posts in assemblies

Mocking a Microsoft DLL

c# .net dll assemblies mocking

How do i find declared methods only, when doing a runtime assembly load?

Loading an assembly generated by the Roslyn compiler

c# assemblies roslyn

How to build/deploy project that requires multiple versions of the same assembly?

Type.GetType fails to create type from already loaded assembly

c# .net reflection assemblies

CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve does not fire when assembly is used as a subclass

How to get the assemblies for each project in a solution not including references?

c# assemblies

Visual Basic, why can't I import "System.Drawing" when my only reference is "System"?

How do I add an assembly to a Visual Studio project and reference it?

When probing for assemblies why does the searched for publicKeyToken differ when running as admin vs as a normal user?

c# .net assemblies gac

Performance difference between .NET method (in .dll) and reflected version

c# .net dll assemblies

Assembly binding redirect in .NET Core

asp.net-core assemblies

VS 2015 Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported

How to change the Assembly Name in C# Programmatically

c# assemblies

How can I create a custom Property for my assembly?

.net assemblies attributes

Hiding types from being listed in Assembly.GetTypes in .net

Binding redirect fails - different publicKeyToken

c# .net assemblies

Best practices for merging assemblies?

.net assemblies ilmerge

C# Type A cannot be casted to Type B ( InvalidCastException)... Context hell?

c# .net scope load assemblies

Create custom AppDomain and add assemblies to it