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New posts in instruction-set

CS:APP example uses idivq with two operands?

MWAIT vs HALT in terms of efficiency

Disabling AVX2 in CPU for testing purposes

How does the CPU distinguish 'CALL rel16' (E8 cw) and 'CALL rel32' (E8 cd)?

Why are CISC processors harder to pipeline? In what sense are some instructions "more complex" than others?

How does mtune actually work?

Why are RISC-V S-B and U-J instruction types encoded in this way?

What's the point of the VPERMILPS instruction (_mm_permute_ps)?

where can I find a description of *all* MIPS instructions

Why does the FMA _mm256_fmadd_pd() intrinsic have 3 asm mnemonics, "vfmadd132pd", "231" and "213"?

Easiest/Best Way to Learn the x86 Instruction Set? [closed]

Real-world analog to TIS-100

Are ARM instructuons SWI and SVC exactly same thing?

RISC-V: Immediate Encoding Variants

x86 CMP Instruction Difference

Why IA32 does not allow memory to memory mov? [duplicate]

How does one do integer (signed or unsigned) division on ARM?

itte in arm assembly

Difference between add and addu

add mips instruction-set

What's the purpose of the rotate instructions (ROL, RCL on x86)?