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New posts in instruction-set

Differences between RISC-V and others ISAs

xorl %eax - Instruction set architecture in IA-32

Determine instruction set of my processor under Linux

does gcc's __builtin_cpu_supports check for OS support?

Do different ARM manufacturers provide different instruction sets?

arm instruction-set

What EXACTLY is the difference between intel's and amd's ISA, if any?

MOVZX missing 32 bit register to 64 bit register

Difference between ISA (e.g. MIPS) and Assembly language

How does a zero register improve performance?

Standard C++11 code equivalent to the PEXT Haswell instruction (and likely to be optimized by compiler)

How to use processor instructions in C++ to implement fast arithmetic operations

Which x86 instruction has a 10-byte immediate?

MIPS: Why do we need load byte when we already have load word?

What is an assembly-level representation of pushl/popl %esp?

How is machine code stored in the EXE file?

What's the point of instructions with only the REX prefix in 64bit mode?

How does the CPU know its instruction set?

Difference between PREFETCH and PREFETCHNTA instructions

Are PUSH/POP instructions considered RISC or CISC?

x86 Program Counter abstracted from microarchitecture?