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New posts in portable-executable

How does a PE file get mapped into memory?

How do I determine if an EXE (or DLL) participate in ASLR, i.e. is relocatable?

How to change the default *.exe icon in C/C++?

Exported DLL functions not ordered lexically?

Import Table in PE (.exe)


Windows initial execution context

Is there an open source equivalent of Linux' /lib/ld-linux.so for Windows?

Strange Value in EXE header

Loading a Kernel into Memory -- How to Write the Loader Itself?

Names of PE directories

jump stubs in PE files

Semantics of __imp_ symbols

What's the difference between the import table, import adress table, and import name table?

In resources of a executable file, how does one find the default icon?

Machine code of file (executable)?

Difference between .exe and .pe files?

How do I make space for my code cave in a Windows PE 32bit executable

How should I launch a Portable Python Tkinter application on Windows without ugliness?

Tweak DLL module name during LoadLibrary

Exported function forwarded to itself?