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New posts in stack-pointer

Why "Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture" (AAPCS) requires SP to be 8-byte aligned?

What are the x86 instructions that affect ESP as a side effect?

Operand type mismatch when using "jmp *%esp"

c assembly stack-pointer

Why does C not decrement the stack pointer if a variable leaves the scope?

c stack-pointer

Can I POP a value from the stack, but put it nowhere in NASM Assembly?

Why GCC generates strange way to move stack pointer

What is an assembly-level representation of pushl/popl %esp?

Stack alignment in x64 assembly

What is the difference between Stack Pointer and Program Counter?

pop or add esp, 4 ? What is the difference?

Does the ret instruction add 4 to esp register?

x86 assembly: Pop a value without storing it

how does push and pop work in assembly

Is it valid to write below ESP?

Function call jumps to the wrong function

x86 where stack pointer points?

Print out value of stack pointer

Base pointer and stack pointer

What is the purpose of the RBP register in x86_64 assembler?

What is the function of the push / pop instructions used on registers in x86 assembly?