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New posts in microprocessors

emu8086 doesn't recognize my labels

What is the size of integer in 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit processors/microcontrollers?

Implementation of simple microprocessor using verilog

What does it mean by MOV D D?

An attempt to understand what a Clock cycle is through example

how can build single board computer like Raspberry Pi for run OS?

Gadzooks! Architectures abound! Looking for an embedded processor/controller taxonomy

Why 24 bits registers?

Unable to disable Hardware prefetcher in Core i7

Mutli-core Processors: Does each "core" run at the full clock speed or some fraction of the full clock frequency?

Making large constants in C source more readable?

How do screenshots work from a software perspective

Is it possible to keep an entire array in cpu register

What is the difference between Stack Pointer and Program Counter?

Instruction decoding when instructions are length-variable

is there a verilog tutorial where you build a very simple microprocessor? [closed]

difference between memory address register(MAR) and program counter(PC)?

What is meant by the FENCE instruction in the RISC-V instruction set?

What is the difference between processor (CPU) and microprocessor? [closed]


CPU TSC fetch operation especially in multicore-multi-processor environment