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New posts in embedded-linux

How can I generate kernel headers for an "unknown" embedded ARM system?

Using persistent storage in linux kernel

Meaning of writing 'V' to watchdog device file

What is use of struct i2c_device_id if we are already using struct of_device_id?

Difference between layer and metadata in Yocto

embedded-linux yocto bsp

Building a small Go program for MIPS with no hardware floating point (softfloat required)

YOCTO Change kernel version and select drivers


How to: Simulating keystroke inputs in shell to an app running in an embedded target

Inter thread data transfer - Linux

Pure virtual method called - cross compiling

Which is better for a beginner Yokto project or OpenEmbedded , building one's own embedded distro? [closed]

How to create a virtual/Simulated USB Mouse using raspberry Pi or any other linux PC or device

Why shouldn't I use ioremap on system memory for ARMv6+?

embedded linux ARM booting address

arm embedded-linux u-boot


Understanding the kernel dmesg timestamp

Getting kernel version from the compressed kernel image

How can I create machine specific recipes?

mpc / mpd on linux: how to play local wav file