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New posts in audio-player

Is there a way to play audio snippets in C# without installing the DirectX SDK?

c# audio audio-player

AS3 microphone recording/saving works, in-flash PCM playback double speed

How to add SoundCloud files to jPlayer?

mpc / mpd on linux: how to play local wav file

Sound processing: Should I use DirectSound or directly Win32 APIs?

WP7 how to rate a Song

How to play a random music track on click?

What is the App URL that SoundCloud is looking for on the API form?

Persistent music player

control play pause button in fragment from musicplayer service

How to mute and unmute sound in Angular2?

Appropriate audio format for sound effects on Android phones regarding efficiency

App crash on headset button click

Playing midi files with MusicPlayer & Music Sequence

How to pass List <AudioTrack> from class to class AudioPlayer

Command line program for playing sections of audio specified in milliseconds

Playing a mp3 file at button click event in windows form

c# winforms mp3 audio-player

Python VLC binding- playing a playlist

Android - MediaPlayer error: attachnewplayer called in state 64