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New posts in cortex-a8

MSR CPSR_C, #0x13 doesn't work using ARM assembly?

assembly arm cortex-a8

How do ARM-NEON synchronize?

embedded arm simd neon cortex-a8

Optimizing Cortex-A8 color conversion using NEON

Usage of PLD instruction

arm cpu-cache mmu cortex-a8

is it possible to execute OpenCL code on ARM CPU (Cortex-a7) using the Mali OpenCL SDK?

arm opencl cortex-a8 mali

ELF loading when VMA != LMA

Neon Optimization using intrinsics

arm neon cortex-a8

ARM Cortex A8 Benchmarks: can someone help me make sense of these numbers?

Why does arm-linux-gcc only reserve r0-r4 when entering IRQ mode

c gcc assembly arm cortex-a8

Cannot write to ARM register R4: feature or bug?

Using ARM NEON intrinsics to add alpha and permute

arm neon intrinsics cortex-a8

AM335x watchdog does not work

Efficient floating point comparison (Cortex-A8)

c++ c neon cortex-a8 arm7

Measure executing time on ARM Cortex-A8 using hardware counter

ARM and NEON can work in parallel?

Which one is better, gcc or armcc for NEON optimizations?

embedded arm simd neon cortex-a8

ARM Cortex-A8: How to make use of both NEON and vfpv3

Valgrind in ARM Cortex-A8 Issue "configure: error: Unsupported host architecture"

[ARM CortexA]Difference between Strongly-ordered and Device Memory Type

memory assembly arm cortex-a8

Jazelle on Beaglebone

arm cortex-a8 jazelle