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New posts in x86

Shapes in the Mandelbrot Set

Is processor can do memory and arithmetic operation at the same time?

Get an arbitrary float from a simd register at runtime?

x86 sse simd avx avx2

Does memory fencing blocks threads in multi-core CPUs?

Is it possible for the RESOURCE_STALLS.RS event to occur even when the RS is not completely full?

How to create a UEFI kernel in NASM on Linux

x86 kernel qemu osdev uefi

What is the difference between _mm_movehdup_ps and _mm_shuffle_ps in this case?

Can different processes run RDTSC at the same time?

Is it possible to call a relative address with each instruction at most 3 bytes long, in 32-bit mode?

assembly x86 nasm machine-code

Cannot call real mode C function from bootloader (NASM + GCC toolchain)

Is there any way to write for Intel CPU direct core-to-core communication code?

gcc flags to disable arithmetic optimisations

Why using AVX ymm(m256) instructions is ~4 times slower than xmm(m128)

What is the point of SSE2 instructions such as orpd?

Why isn't my code working when adding .386?

GDB-remote + qemu reports unexpected memory address for static C variable

c x86 gdb qemu osdev

Delphi label and asm weirdness?

Hello World bootloader not working

Help deciphering a few lines of assembly

SP (Stack Pointer) Anti-debug Trick - x86