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New posts in floating-point

How can I tell if a double precision floating point number can be safely stored as a single precision one? [duplicate]

c++ c floating-point

Maximum and minimum exponents in double-precision floating-point format

Create 32bit float wav file in python?

what is the difference between 'Float a = 3f' and 'Float a = 3.0' in java?

In what cases does Python complex exponentiation throw an OverflowError?

Floating point differences depending on how debug build is run

Floating point addition in Python [duplicate]

python floating-point

Floating point number conversion horror, is there a way out?

Confusion about DBL_EPSILON and Machine-Epsilon in C

c floating-point

C++ Store double in int variable error

c++ floating-point integer

why decimal float should be used in financial calculations while it has rounding error

How do I specify the rounding mode for floating point numbers?

Is float value guaranteed to be 0 when a float variable is initialized to 0.0?

Bitwise operation on a floating point usefulness

What is theoretically the smallest floating point format possible?

256 bit fixed point arithmetic, the future?

Is it safe to compare a float and an int in Java?

java floating-point

Is transmuting bytes to a float safe or might it produce undefined behavior?

Dodging the inaccuracy of a floating point number

-0 not equals 0

php floating-point