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New posts in delphi-2009

Can Delphi TField.OnValidate restore the original value without raising exception?

delphi delphi-2009

PNGs in Delphi 2009 Imagelists and Images

Registering a custom Frame

delphi delphi-2009 tframe

How to disable/hide icon from a form?

delphi delphi-2009 vcl

Why doesn't my encryption work after I upgrade beyond Delphi 2007?

Migrating Delphi DFM's with special characters to D2009

Is sqrt still slow in Delphi 2009?

How to change a subitem in a listview?

delphi delphi-2009

Is there an easier way to convert Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009?

delphi delphi-2009 delphi-7

Floating point number conversion horror, is there a way out?

How cand I include a bitmap in my custom component (if is possible)?

How does the Delphi 2009 compiler handle recursive inline methods?

Delphi 2009 - Can an Interface Property Cause a Memory Leak?

Component Tperlregex fatal error L3169?

How to identify unicode keys on key press?

delphi unicode delphi-2009

Delphi "E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to" error appeared when upgrading a project from 2009 to XE

Extending class documentation and live templates

RAD Studio 2009 Ctrl+Z Buffer Corruption Bug

Transition to Unicode for an application that handles text files

Why are my transparent images used in a Delphi 2009 Ribbon not transparent on runtime?