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Include different form (.dfm) file based on a conditional define

delphi delphi-7 dfm

Migrating Delphi DFM's with special characters to D2009

Are there any Delphi DFM to Delphi source code convertion tools?

delphi dfm

Delphi "EClassNotFound" errors, and corrupted DFM possibility

delphi dfm eclassnotfound

Do we have Button down property as Boolean

.net winforms delphi c#-4.0 dfm

How to do bulk -transformation of form to frame- in Delphi?

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"Not enough storage space" when installed with Dynamic Feature Module (App Bundle)

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Delphi DFM not found

delphi dfm

How to tell Delphi to not include non-published properties in DFM?

delphi delphi-xe6 dfm

Delphi: 'Property ClientHeight does Not Exist'

Longevity of using the Delphi text DFM format for my own store and retrieve

delphi load properties save dfm

Moving to use of Delphi packages - best practice please?

delphi package dfm

Is there a tool which can extract all SQL command strings from Delphi form files?

sql delphi extract dfm

Is there a Delphi option to 'lock' the design (layout) of a form against accidental changes?

delphi forms dfm

A quick way to remove properties from .dfm files in Delphi

What does the Text DFM context menu option mean?

delphi contextmenu dfm

Does Delphi sometimes revert text form files (DFM) to binary format?

delphi forms binary dfm

Strange [number]s in Delphi DFM files - origin and necessity?

delphi rename dfm

Delphi - Why does ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight keep appearing in .DFM files and what is it?

delphi dfm