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New posts in floating-point

How to sub-select rows for equality with float dtype using pandas

Python string formatting - combine named placeholder and float formatter for the same argument?

Instruction FYL2XP1

Numpy returns unexpected results of analytical function

python numpy floating-point

Java : How to sort an array of floats in reverse order?

Using C/C++ to efficiently de-serialize a string comprised of floats, tokens and blank lines

Why is FLD1 loading NaN instead?

C# - Incrementing a double value (1.212E+25)

c# .net types floating-point

Floating Point Div/Mul > 30 times slower than Add/Sub?

MATLAB: Converting a uint32 (4-byte) value to the corresponding IEEE single-precision floating-point form

PHP - floatval cuts of position after decimal point?

php floating-point decimal

Machine precision estimations

compress floating point numbers with specified range and precision

Change in Python built in round() function between 2.4 and 2.7

Apple LLVM 3.0 compiler automatic cast from float to double

safest way to assign an integer (worried about truncation)

r floating-point

Android development - SQLite storing float

comparing floating point numbers in C for unit testing

Speeding up floating point operations (Android ARMv6)

PHP float numbers not adding correctly - decimal value missing