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New posts in epsilon

Machine precision estimations

How can I represent epsilon in a regular expression?

regex epsilon

Keras, Tensorflow - What is the meaning of K.epsilon when computing metrics

Buggy floating point handling in Visual Studio?

Machine Epsilon precision discrepancy

c++ double precision epsilon

Is this a good solution for R#'s complaint about loss of precision?

Inconsistent hashcode and equals java

java equals hashcode epsilon

C++ next float with numeric_limits / epsilon?

How to calculate machine epsilon in MATLAB?

Epsilon in quadruple precision (gcc)

Does using epsilon in comparison of floating-point break strict-weak-ordering?

Minimum and maximum of the last 1000 values of the changing list

python algorithm max min epsilon

What is the closure of a left-recursive LR(0) item with epsilon transitions?

Implement Matlab's eps(x) function in C++

c++ matlab epsilon

Get Machine epsilon in Microsoft Excel

excel epsilon

Why does PHP not provide an Epsilon constant for floating point comparisons?

php floating-point epsilon

Python epsilon is not the smallest number

python python-2.7 epsilon

Why can't I include the standard algorithm library after defining 'epsilon' in C++?

How to choose epsilon value for floating point? [closed]

calculating a function in matlab with very small values