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New posts in floating-point

the Floating-point error

Calculating the digits of pi

Divide by power of 2 resulting in float

What is the best way to recognize and convert these "minimum" double values into C# Double.MinValue?

c# floating-point double

How to read floating-point numbers by pairs in C?

c io floating-point double scanf

Truncating 64-bit IEEE doubles to 61-bits in a safe fashion

Why does 5/2 results in '2' even when I use a float? [duplicate]

Is double division equal to integer division if there is no remainder?

java floating-point jvm

std::stod throws out_of_range error for a string that should be valid

c++ floating-point

number_format() php remove trailing zeros

Why does printf("%.2f", (double) 12.555) return 12.55?

c++ floating-point double

Perl weird behaviour in number with decimal point

perl floating-point decimal

Why does printf output float 1.45 with one decimal place, and 1.445 with two decimal places in different behaviors? [duplicate]

Underflow error in floating point arithmetic in C

c floating-point underflow

Convolution Filter - Float Precision C Vs Java

Can I expect float variable values that I set from literal constants to be unchanged after assignment to other variables?

Swap bits in c++ for a double

Float to binary in C++

c++ floating-point numbers

testing for numeric equality when variable is modified inside loop

python floating-point

Comparison of float and double variables [duplicate]