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New posts in floating-point

python2.4.3: format bug?

Convert mixed fraction string to float in PHP

php string math floating-point

Random range of float in Objective C?

Profiling floating point usage in C

iphone NSString stringWithFormat and float

Displaying 6.5235375356299998e-07 without exponential notation

Testing with percentages and BigDecimal

PHP float/double stored as MySQL DECIMAL

Why does scipy.stats.nanmean give different result from numpy.nansum?

Can you round a value to 2 decimal places in C?

About comparing an integer and a float/double in C/C++

Float Fractional Precision

c++ floating-point

converting string to float in c++

c++ string floating-point

Whence the 27 digits of extra precision in `decimal.Decimal(1.0/3.0)`?

Float number format without rounding in ruby

ruby floating-point format

How to decode and encode a float in Rust?

perl integer arithmetic giving floating point answer

Why is the python "dtype=float" 8-byte rather than 4-byte?

Why Django DecimalField let me store Float or string?

C++17 Hexidecimal floating point literal single precision suffix conflict?