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New posts in integer-arithmetic

How does a processor without an overflow flag perform signed arithmetic?

What is the operations order of these two functions [duplicate]

perl integer arithmetic giving floating point answer

Round long from 1004L to 1000L (or 1006L to 1010L)

Dividing two double integers in Forth

integer-arithmetic forth

How to unset N right-most set bits

How can I calculate (A*B)%C for A,B,C <= 10^18, in C++?

C array arithmetic and pointers [duplicate]

How to add numbers without +

java integer-arithmetic

Java8 unsigned arithmetic

What gives Lisp its excellent math performance?

signed and unsigned arithmetic implementation on x86

Explanation for this function's output

How to approximate Euclidean distance on the integer plane, without overflow?

What's the fastest way to obtain the highest decimal digit of an integer? [duplicate]

Prolog: predicate for maximum without accumulator

Chaining checked arithmetic operations in Rust

What does -fwrapv do?