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New posts in integer-arithmetic

Trick to divide a constant (power of two) by an integer

Is there a better way of doing this in Haskell?

How does mentioning multiple arithmetic operation within two operands work in Java

Division in C++ [duplicate]

Multiplying integer by rational without intermediate overflow

Compute sqrt(SIZE_MAX+1) using only integer constant expressions, catering for weird ABIs

How can I compute a * b / c when both a and b are smaller than c, but a * b overflows?

Exact sum of a long array

java sum integer-arithmetic

How to do arithmetic modulo another number, without overflow?

9933272057275866 is it a magic number?

Multiplying two 128-bit ints

c integer-arithmetic

Convert x >= y into 1 or 0 without branching or Boolean expressions

Hacks for clamping integer to 0-255 and doubles to 0.0-1.0?

Integral solution to equation `a + bx = c + dy`

Find the a 4 digit number who's square is 8 digits AND last 4 digits are the original number [closed]

Big number arithmetic using LLVM (from Haskell)

Floored integer division

How to divide by 9 using just shifts/add/sub?

What's the efficient algorithm to find the Integer square root of a very large number, digit by digit?

When to pick 'Natural' over 'Integer' in Haskell?