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New posts in equation-solving

Solving a modular equation (Python)

Mathematica: FindRoot errors

R: subtraction of elements of a matrix from the elements of another matrix

r matrix equation-solving

How can I reference a specific point of my function inside NDSolve?

Java calculator with multiple operations

Solving linear equations w. three variables using numpy [duplicate]

Solving a system of nonlinear equations in R

r equation-solving

Solving Ax=b where A is too big to be stored in a single array

Non-linear system of equations Julia

C++ library for undetermined equation systems [closed]

c++ solver equation-solving

sympy Version 1.1.1: 'solve()' containing 'summation()'

Function to translate linear equations into matrix form in R?

Solving multiple argument equations, choosing the dependent variable. [Python, Scipy]

fsolve always returning the guess/estimate

How do I express this?

c++ equation-solving

SymPy cannot solve polynomial equation of 4th order

Solving a system of equations in Prolog

How to exactly solve quadratic equations with large integer coefficients (over integers)?

resolve a system of linked equations with different modulo