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New posts in equation-solving

Modular equations in Haskell

Is there a built-in Mathematica function to find operators rather than numbers in equations?

Solving system using linalg with constraints

Fast solution of dense linear system of fixed dimension (N=9), symmetric, positive-semidefinite

Integral solution to equation `a + bx = c + dy`

A few questions about checking whether a set in C++ is an algebraic group

Equation of curve generated by QuadCurve2D in Java?

java swing equation-solving

solving an exponential equation in Raku

Pythonic way to manage arbitrary amount of variables, used for equation solving.

python equation-solving

Algorithm - solving linear equation in one variable [closed]

What good libraries are there for solving a system of non-linear equations in C++?

How to solve a math equation in a programming language?

Solve system of two equations with two unknowns

Equation Threading: Why the default behavior?

SymPy - Arbitrary number of Symbols

Solving simultaneous equations with R

r equation-solving