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New posts in floating-point

Ball arithmetic vs interval arithmetic

Does double z=x-y guarantee that z+y==x for IEEE 754 floating point?

c# floating-point ieee-754

Less than or equal to operator for numpy floating points?

python numpy floating-point

Why not use a two's complement based floating-point?

floating-point precision

What units of measure would you store engineering data in?

Working with decimal numbers in PHP

php floating-point decimal

Why is Lua arithmetic is not equal to itself? [duplicate]

lua floating-point point

Why does the addition of two float numbers is incorrect in C?

c floating-point

Javascript's geometrical methods: Zero isn't exactly zero, is it?

How to avoid FPU when given float numbers?

Printing float such that exponent is marked with "*10^" instead of "e"

is float16 supported in matlab?

Why does 1.0 not equal to 1.0 in tcl when using ==

floating-point tcl

Floating point representations seem to do integer arithmetic correctly - why?

Returning a float variable loses its precision in C

C float operations have different results on i386 and arm, but why?

c floating-point arm

How to remove digits after decimal in a table in SQLite database

Python Floating Point Formatting

How does Float round when converting it into integer

c++ floating-point integer

Why IEEE754 single-precision float has only 7 digit precision?