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What value should be given to a Tcl dict for minimum memory?

memory dictionary tcl

TCL/Expect - exec - how to execute program with parameters

Tcl extension: Understanding and using ClientData

c tcl

What is the magic behind the TCL command expr with the operator eq


TCL equivalent to Python's `if __name__ == "__main__"`


How to compile dll loadable in tcl

c++ dll compilation tcl

tcl array question - key with quotes

arrays tcl

Expanded TCL interpreter in TCL


Searching for a number in a sorted list in Tcl


How to change lower case to upper case in Tcl?

regex tcl

why do we need nested procedures in tcl

nested tcl procedures

Call TCL proc with named arguments


TCL conditional commands using ternary operator

tcl ternary-operator

Can I use pcap library for receiving ipv6 packets?

c tcl ipv6 pcap libpcap

How to change color text using puts in tcl


Error while Installing Wordnet-3.0 on ubuntu: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions

How to wait for Modelsim Simulations to complete before proceeding in TCL script

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Tcl variable size limit

In tcl/tk child window, I can't set a default value for my entry widget

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Returning arrays from Procedures in TCL
