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New posts in expect

TCL/Expect - exec - how to execute program with parameters

bash: using expect to automate GPG signing

bash expect rpm yum gnupg

Automate SSH without using public key authentication or expect(1)

Ruby - Problems with Expect and Pty

ruby expect pty

installing expect for bash

installation expect

Using validation with ansible's expect variables

validation ansible expect

expect command is not working in bash script

expect spawn

Handle multiple statements in an Expect script


How to use a variable in regexp expression (TCL/Expect)

regex tcl expect

Wait for prompt in expect script

telnet expect prompt

How do you save and parse a command output in Expect?

tcl expect

Spawn command not found

bash shell command expect spawn

Expect Script - Fixing weird terminal resizing behaviour

bash shell terminal tcl expect

How to search for multiple patterns stored in a list until all items are found or a set amount of time has passed

tcl expect

How to count command line arguments in expect script?


Executing an Expect script from different locations

capture expect ssh output to variable

bash ssh expect capture

How to prevent pexpect from echoing the password?

python-2.x expect pexpect

Error handling in bash/expect script

bash error-handling expect