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New posts in rpm

bash: using expect to automate GPG signing

bash expect rpm yum gnupg

build rpm without compiling the source file

rpm rpmbuild rpm-spec

How to sign a rpm package without typing password?

linux rpm gnupg

rpmbuild failing error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

RPM Build Spec file i want to check rpm is being install or update

Install RPM on Centos

centos rpm

How to update specific repo in yum?

rpm yum

Private repository - update so new rpms can be pulled immediately

rpm rpmbuild

how to get list of rpm packages installed in the system

perl rpm

How can I build an RPM package in a Debian based system?

packaging rpm debian-based

The parameters 'sourceEncoding' rpm-maven-plugin are missing or invalid

Adding License Agreement in RPM package

package licensing rpm

genisoimage garbles filenames

linux rpm iso

rpm version number without installing it


I had Open JDK 1.7 on CentOS; I installed Oracle's Java rpm; Oracle Java doesn't seem to exist

java linux oracle centos rpm

How do install the generated Maven RPM artifact to local m2 repo with the correct rpm name?

maven rpm

Copying rpm's from one OS to another [closed]

linux rpm

How to prevent a SUSE RPM from installing on a RedHat system

linux rpm rpmbuild