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New posts in x86

What does .byte mean in this asm line?

intel c assembly x86

Would having the call stack grow upward make buffer overruns safer?

BIOS Disk - Read Sectors Into Memory (int 0x13, ah=0x02) blocking

intel x86 qemu bootloader osdev mbr

access violation _mm_store_si128 SSE Intrinsics

intel c++ x86 simd sse intrinsics

AVX scalar operations are much faster

intel c memory x86 sse avx

assembly lea instruction of int *q = p++ and int c = a++

intel c assembly x86

Is the stack frame required for all functions in C on x86-64?

intel c assembly x86 stack x86-64

How to set the alignment for the .data section?

_umul128 on Windows 32 bits

Polygot include file for nasm/yasm and C

intel c assembly x86 nasm yasm

Interpreting this line in Assembly language?

Why is memcpy slow in 32-bit mode with gcc -march=native on Ryzen, for large buffers?

AVX2 code slower then without AVX2

intel c++ performance x86 avx2

no emulation booting OS

How to map the section to the segment from an ELF output file?

intel gcc assembly x86 elf osdev

What is practical application of x86 RCL/RCR instructions?

What is a processor hint?

Can the simple decoders in recent Intel microarchitectures handle all 1-µop instructions?

Does cmpxchg write destination cache line on failure? If not, is it better than xchg for spinlock?

How to invoke a system call via syscall or sysenter in inline assembly?