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The effect of code alignment in timing main loops in assembly

assembly x86 nasm yasm

how to call code written in C from assembly?

c x86-64 yasm

Polygot include file for nasm/yasm and C

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Simple asm program with yasm in MacOS Mountain Lion

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Gnu assembler gives unexpected memory operand

Minimal opcode size x86-64 strlen implementation

assembly nasm x86-64 yasm

Assembly: Why does jumping to a label that returns via ret cause a segmentation fault?

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How can I use gdb to debug code assembled using yasm?

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GDB shows error message when trying to print a variable in an Assembly program

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make: Circular dependency dropped

assembly makefile yasm

Cannot find yasm even though I have installed it

linux x264 yasm

Can't call C standard library function on 64-bit Linux from assembly (yasm) code

linux assembly x86-64 nasm yasm

What are the sizes of tword, oword and yword operands?

Basic use of immediates vs. square brackets in YASM/NASM x86 assembly

Find which assembly instruction caused an Illegal Instruction error without debugging

c linux assembly x86-64 yasm