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What are the sizes of tword, oword and yword operands?

What are the sizes of tword, oword and yword operands, as used in the NASM/YASM manual? And on a related note, is there a trick or underlying idea to these names? Is there a way by which bigger word sizes are given logical names?

I know that while word sizes may differ between systems, a NASM word is 2 bytes, dword is double that (4 bytes), qword is a quad word (8 bytes), but... is tword a triple word (6 bytes)? And for oword and yword I can't even think of a plausible meaning.

Note that it is probably an easy question, but I couldn't find an answer. In the NASM and YASM manuals these sizes are not explained, not even at the DQ, DT, DY, RESQ, REST, RESY pseudo-instructions. I read somewhere that MASM uses a similar system, but could not find anything on that either.

Edit: Based on the answers, this is the complete list:

  • 1 byte (8 bit): byte, DB, RESB
  • 2 bytes (16 bit): word, DW, RESW
  • 4 bytes (32 bit): dword, DD, RESD
  • 8 bytes (64 bit): qword, DQ, RESQ
  • 10 bytes (80 bit): tword, DT, REST
  • 16 bytes (128 bit): oword, DO, RESO, DDQ, RESDQ
  • 32 bytes (256 bit): yword, DY, RESY
  • 64 bytes (512 bit): zword, DZ, RESZ
like image 525
Daniel A.A. Pelsmaeker Avatar asked Aug 21 '12 22:08

Daniel A.A. Pelsmaeker

People also ask

What is the size of a word?

WORD (16 bits/2 bytes) DWORD (32 bits/4 bytes) QWORD (64 bits/8 bytes)

What is the size of a word in programming?

For any computer architecture with an eight-bit byte, the word will be some multiple of eight bits. In IBM's evolutionary System/360 architecture, a word is 32 bits, or four contiguous eight-bit bytes. In Intel's PC processor architecture, a word is 16 bits, or two contiguous eight-bit bytes.

What is size of word in microprocessor?

Modern processors, including embedded systems, usually have a word size of 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 bits, while modern general purpose computers usually use 32 or 64 bits.

What is word size with example?

A word is an integer number of bytesfor example, one, two, four, or eight. When someone talks about the "n-bits" of a machine, they are generally talking about the machine's word size. For example, when people say the Pentium is a 32-bit chip, they are referring to its word size, which is 32 bits, or four bytes.

2 Answers

Looking at the nasm source, it looks like:

  • 'oword'/'DO' is 8 times as big as "word" (O for "octoword"), synonymous with dqword ("double-quad"); that would be 128 bits, corresponding to the size of an SSE vector register.
  • 'tword'/'DT' is 80 bits (T for "ten bytes"), the full size of an Intel x87 floating point register.
  • 'yword'/'DY' is 256 bits, and the Y is presumably mnemonic for the YMM names of the 256-bit vector registers in the Intel AVX extensions.
  • 'zword'/'DZ' is 512 bits, Z for the ZMM names of the 512-bit vector registers in the Intel AVX-512 extensions.

So, it's not exactly a logical naming convention; "it just growed".

like image 71
Russell Borogove Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Russell Borogove

I have checked it with two approaches for NASM: source code and empirical.

Source code

Source at: http://repo.or.cz/w/nasm.git


git grep -C2 tword

And we fall upon:

switch (size) {
case 1:
    return "byte";
case 2:
    return "word";
case 4:
    return "dword";
case 8:
    return "qword";
case 10:
    return "tword";
case 16:
    return "oword";
case 32:
    return "yword";
case 64:
    return "zword";
    return "???";


git log -p and git tag --contains tell me that zword was added in 2.11, and since I'm on 2.10 and lazy, I'll omit that one.

On our .asm file:

section .bss
resb1 resb 1
resw1 resw 1
resq1 resq 1
rest1 rest 1
reso1 reso 1
resy1 resy 1
; Just to read the objdump better.
resb2 resb 1

Then compile and:

objdump -D -j .bss main.o


00000000 <resb1>:

00000001 <resw1>:

00000003 <resd1>:
3:  00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)

00000007 <resq1>:

0000000f <rest1>:

00000019 <reso1>:

00000029 <resy1>:

00000049 <resb2>:

If we take the differences between each position, we reach the same conclusion as before.

zword menemonic

For the ZMM registers added by AVX-512: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVX-512

I wonder what Intel will do when the letters of the alphabet end.