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What's the purpose of the UD2 opcode in the Linux kernel?

I have found the following fragment in the Linux kernel (not the corresponding C code though), somewhere during the start up phase. You can clearly see the 0F 0B parts, which stand for the UD2 opcode (IDA refused to disassemble).

There are some possible usages for this opcode explained here and here. In this case, however, the opcodes after this instruction don't really make sense.

seg000:000C059E                 test    edx, edx seg000:000C05A0                 jnz     short loc_C05AA seg000:000C05A0 ; -------------------------------------------------- seg000:000C05A2                 db  0Fh seg000:000C05A3                 db  0Bh seg000:000C05A4                 db 73h seg000:000C05A5                 db 0 seg000:000C05A6                 db  86h ; å seg000:000C05A7                 db  4Ah ; J seg000:000C05A8                 db  27h ; ' seg000:000C05A9                 db 0C0h ; + seg000:000C05AA ; -------------------------------------------------- seg000:000C05AA seg000:000C05AA loc_C05AA:                               seg000:000C05AA                 cmp     eax, [edi+4] seg000:000C05AD                 jbe     short loc_C05B7 seg000:000C05AD ; -------------------------------------------------- seg000:000C05AF                 db  0Fh seg000:000C05B0                 db  0Bh seg000:000C05B1                 db 75h seg000:000C05B2                 db    0 seg000:000C05B3                 db 86h seg000:000C05B4                 db  4Ah ; J seg000:000C05B5                 db  27h ; ' seg000:000C05B6                 db 0C0h ; + seg000:000C05B7 ; -------------------------------------------------- seg000:000C05B7 seg000:000C05B7 loc_C05B7:                               seg000:000C05B7                 add     ecx, 0FFFh seg000:000C05BD                 shr     esi, 0Ch seg000:000C05C0                 shr     ecx, 0Ch seg000:000C05C3                 sub     ecx, esi seg000:000C05C5                 cmp     ecx, ebx seg000:000C05C7                 jnb     short loc_C05E9 seg000:000C05C9                 lea     esi, [esi+0] seg000:000C05D0 seg000:000C05D0 loc_C05D0:                               seg000:000C05D0                 mov     edx, [edi+8] seg000:000C05D3                 btr     [edx], ecx seg000:000C05D6                 sbb     eax, eax seg000:000C05D8                 test    eax, eax seg000:000C05DA                 jnz     short loc_C05E4 seg000:000C05DA ; ------------------------------------------------ seg000:000C05DC                 db  0Fh seg000:000C05DD                 db  0Bh seg000:000C05DE                 db 7Fh seg000:000C05DF                 db 0 seg000:000C05E0                 db  86h ; å seg000:000C05E1                 db  4Ah ; J seg000:000C05E2                 db  27h ; ' seg000:000C05E3                 db 0C0h ; + seg000:000C05E4 ; ------------------------------------------------- seg000:000C05E4 seg000:000C05E4 loc_C05E4:                               seg000:000C05E4                 inc     ecx 
like image 350
copy Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 14:06


1 Answers

It's the BUG() macro from include/asm-i386/bug.h.

/*  * Tell the user there is some problem.  * The offending file and line are encoded after the "officially  * undefined" opcode for parsing in the trap handler.  */  #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE #define BUG()                           \  __asm__ __volatile__(  "ud2\n"         \                         "\t.word %c0\n" \                         "\t.long %c1\n" \                          : : "i" (__LINE__), "i" (__FILE__)) 

For example, the one at 0C05AF is for file with name at 0xC0274A86 and line number 117 (0x75).

like image 108
Igor Skochinsky Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Igor Skochinsky