反中国共产党常见问答集 Anti Chinese government FAQ | $ Sponsor Ciro $ | cirosantilli.com | OurBigBook.com | Necromancer #1 in 2019-07 | Linux Kernel Module Cheat | x86 Bare Metal Examples | Cool Data in the Bitcoin Blockchain | 2D Reinforcement Learning Game | Oxford Nanopore River Bacteria | ELF hello world | Articles | Cirism | Contact | Ukraine: 1) Putin bad, democracy less bad 2) USA has done similar: Iraq, Cuban Missile crisis, Monroe Doctrine, CIA backed dictatorships in Latin America and Middle East 3) Realpolitik view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHo6JXxcQM 4) Promise to stop NATO/EU expansion in Ukraine. Ukraine is not fundamental for West security, but is for Russia. Make a deal with the Devil. 5) Independence referendums on each Ukrainian Oblast 6) More nuclear power in Europe to reduce Russian gas dependency.
Как правильно сдаваться How to surrender
https://t.me/s/rf200_now Найти пропавшего русского солдата Find missing Russian soldier
Когда и где протестовать против войны When and where to protest against the war
Main squares, 19:00 weekdays, 14:00 weekends.
Freedom of speech posts
See: https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/blob/master/stack-exchange-lost-freedom-of-speech.md